
Luis Lopez - Software Developer based in Mexico

From Tijuana to the world. I studied at the ITT (Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana) after dropping out of a bachelor in Graphic Design (UABC) and now I’m either working as a software developer in my city or unemployed. My entire free time is used in many endeavors: from playing Half Life deathmatch to learning new technologies and programming languages; from listening to classic rock while writing articles, to reading horror manga (and One Piece, weekly).

Full name is Luis Felipe López Garay and I was born in April 9, 1992. From a very early age I interacted with computers and always been an introvert who loves learning and building useful stuff for myself and others even if it takes me more time than expected.

Skills and Abilities


My very first programming (yes I know it’s technically a scripting language) is JavaScript; I learned the very basics of it when I was 13 thanks to Myspace customisation but it wasn’t until 2014 that I started learning it for real through the now defunct CodeSchool (it was acquired by PluralSight). Then I started learning HTMl and CSS (the difficult parts) because the basics I got in high school were either not enough or obsolete. Safe to say I can use HTML5, CSS3 (and processors such as SASS, PosstCSS, etc), and Javascript/Typescript comfortably.

On the other side, I am well versed in database design and Postgres SQL with some MongoDB sprinkled on the side (I still refer to the documentation a lot). Design patterns, functional programming, basic git and GitHub for version control, SCRUM, REST API design, HTTP, unit testing, discrete math, arithmetics, calculus, computer graphics (2D), software engineering practises and diagrams, optimization and dynamic programming are topics that I wouldn’t say I’ve mastered but I can defend myself the more I learn.

Apart from JS/TS, I also learned Clojure, Elixir, Python, a bit of Haskell, OCaml (my current obsession), Java (with Spring Boot), C# (in uni), bash scripting basics, linux command and essential command line tools (rg, jq, fd, xclip, grep, awk, sed, curl, etc). Neovim is my editor of choice and I love customizing the hell out of it but never overdoing it! If you are interested in my config files I invite you to check out my dotfiles.

I won’t lie about my mediocre soft skills, but I am constantly trying to improve them and work better as a team and be less selfish.

Hobbies and Interests


There was a time where I’d spend hours on end watching movies, especially in 2008 I watched like 3 or 4 before going to sleep. Then there were weeks where I would go to the local cinema twice a week on average (Cinepolis). My favourite genres are Horror, Sci-Fi, Animation, Thriller, Crime/Drama and sometimes Comedy; the same applies to TV shows to a lesser degrees. My favourite movie of all time is Alien 2 (Aliens).

Another interest of mine is reading manga and watching good quality animated movies. Right now I’m a huge fan of One Piece and enjoying the new animation a lot. In terms of music I’ve learned to appreciate a lot of genres that as a teen or a kid I wouldn’t have dabbled in. My favourites are classic and indie rock, heavy and thrash metal, latin and fusion jazz, and 90s gangsta rap.

As for games, I am a huge fan of the indie gaming scene ever since I tried Fez. My most played game is Resident Evil 4 and the online game I had the most time invested in was Overwatch 1 before it was sunsetted by Blizzard (I still hate them for it).

About this blog


This blog is hosted on Netlify, powered by the amazing Astro and the Dante theme. Domain name registered through Namecheap and the source code lives on a private Github repository. If you want to have access to the files or contribute to it send me an email but I really can’t make the repository public without expecting any sort of duplicate content trouble with Google.

I also know some of you might not be ok with ads (I run AdSense) and it really doesn’t bother me if you use Ad blockers. I don’t accept donations, I like to work for my money so the other ways you can support me is to buy whatever I have to sell or watch my videos on Youtube and spread these articles around in your socials.