Blog Archive

Coding an Arduino snake game using a TFT LCD screen

Learn how to implement a simple snake game in Arduino displayed through a 2.8 inch TFT display, and controlled with a joystick.

How to draw a free-body diagram in LaTeX using TikZ

Tutorial on how to draw the vectorial sum of two forces in a 2D plain with Latex using TikZ and some trigonometry.

Developer tools to read documentation offline

In this post I present 4 useful tools for developers who are looking to centralize documentation for the libraries and frameworks they are working with. Discover Zeal, Velocity, Dash, and

Make your embedded videos responsive with CSS

Learn how to make embedded video tags responsive with pure CSS using an old trick from 2009 that is still widely used today.

No Chromecast? No Problem! Litecast case study

Project case study for Litecast, a client/server workflow that uses Puppeteer and WebSockets to remotely consume media (via Chrome) with a remote control mobile app built with Flutter.

Hello World - First post of the blog!

Today Monday, March 11 of 2024, I published my first post after a very (very) long hiatus from blogging. This is just a test post! Ignore it if you want.

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