Hello World - First post of the blog!


It’s been approximately 3 years and 3 months (last post was in Dec 2020) since I last had an active blog where I posted pretty much every week. The reason I stopped was the domain expiration of my old blog (kozmicluis.com) which should not have really stopped me from writing markdown files that I could publish in the future but I’m a very lazy dude with procrastination issues; Actually, this domain was registered a year ago!

I will not provide much information about the behind the scenes of the site in this post. If you really want to know you can check the About page. And if you wish to contact me for whatever reason I’m always an email or a social DM away; check the Contact page.

Markdown reference

Astro provides integration plugins for MDX, React, and more (Markdown is supported by default). I may refer back to this post to check how iterative style changes affect the look and feel of the blog posts. In here you will find testing for Markdown syntax and other integrations I add.


A one-line paragraph to see how they interact with headings.


A one-line paragraph to see how they interact with headings.


A one-line paragraph to see how they interact with headings.


A one-line paragraph to see how they interact with headings.


A one-line paragraph to see how they interact with headings.


A one-line paragraph to see how they interact with headings.

Tables are an integral part of my posts, that’s why it’s important that:

  • Headers stand out from the other rows
  • Cell padding is not too extreme but not too slim either
  • Nesting tables doesn’t look weird
  • Odd rows have a slight darker background

Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet.

It’s time for some code block examples.

open Core

module Maybe = struct
  type 'a t = Nothing | Just of 'a

  let return x = Just x
  let value ~default = function
    | Just x -> x
    | Nothing -> default
  let map ~f = function
    | Just x -> Just (f x)
    | Nothing -> Nothing
  let bind f m = match m with
    | Just x -> f x
    | Nothing -> Nothing
  let ( >>= ) = bind
  let ( >>| ) f m = map ~f m
  let nothing = Nothing

let () =
  List.iter ~f:print_int [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]

That was some OCaml, time for some Typescript:

import { MongoClient } from "mongodb";

const client = new MongoClient(process.env.MONGOURI ?? "");
const db = client.db("mydb");
const coll = db.collection("mycollection");

(async function() {
  await client.connect();

  const docs = await coll.find();

  for (let doc of docs) {

  await client.close();
  1. Concurrent
  2. Efficient
  3. Beautiful
  4. Correct
  5. Elegant

Highlights are often hard to implement. And here’s an image pulled from the internet:


Here’s a simple footnote,1 and here’s a longer one.2

Here is some math, because why not?

i=1=12n\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} = \frac{1}{2^n}

And finally, mermaid diagrams SS-rendered through an astro plugin and a headless browser:

AliceBobHi BobHi AliceAliceBob


  1. This is the first footnote.

  2. Here’s one with multiple paragraphs and code.

    Indent paragraphs to include them in the footnote.

    { my code }

    Add as many paragraphs as you like.

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